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Top 5 Uganda Safari Experiences

Top 5 Uganda Safari Experiences


While traversing Uganda the pearl of Africa while on wildlife safari visiting the number one and most preferred wildlife destinations, one does not get seize to be amazed by the very unique and exclusive adventure activities and wild experiences. Below are some of the finest wildlife safari activities in Uganda that always leave tourists yearning for more.

Mountain Gorilla Tracking In Bwindi Impenetrable
In order to meet face to face with these endangered primates, tourists have to first track them as they hike through the Bwindi impenetrable forest a journey that brings tourists close to the real African jungle and a chance to view a variety of wildlife that shelter in this unique ecosystem. Hiking the forested mountains to get to the mountain gorillas usually start in the morning after a briefing and takes about 1 to 8 hours. Once you get to the gorillas, you are allocated one full hour to be in the presence of the mountain gorillas a time that is usually very anticipated, and its offers a remarkable wild experience. Seeing the silverback relax as the young and juvenile mountain gorillas play around is very emotional and most tourists who have experienced this usually say it felt like seeing an extended family of human beings but this time in the wild.

Only 8 tourists are allowed to track a mountain gorilla group and tourists who cannot hike the mountains for long can be allocated mountain gorilla groups that can be got to after short hours of hiking. There are also local porters who can be hired to carry luggage or a tourist on a stretcher or help them move through the tougher and difficult parts of the trail.

The forested jungles of Bwindi can be best hiked in the dry season however one is usually advised to carry a waterproof jacket because rainfall in a tropical rainforest is very unpredictable and can occur at any time of the year. The mountain gorilla permit is sold at $600 during the peak tourist season and at $450 in April, May, and November. You can book fully inclusive gorilla tours from one of the local tour operators on this website.

Watch the Tree Climbing Lions In The Ishasha Sector
The Ishasha sector is situated in Queen Elizabeth national park and it’s famous for its rare tree-climbing lions. Its very rare to find lions high up in the trees however the lions in the Ishasha sector are usually seen hanging up in the trees as they spy on their prey and sometimes shelter from the sun.

The Ishasha sector has well-developed tracking trails that are usually followed by tourist’s vehicles in search of the rare tree-climbing lions. There are also many other wildlife species in the Ishasha sector that can be sighted while on a game drive there. These include elephants, antelopes, Topi’s, baboons as well as a number of bird species.

Chimpanzee Tracking / Habituation Experience
Kibale forest national park is situated in western Uganda. This national park is extensively covered by a tropical rainforest and it’s a home to the highest chimpanzee population in east and central Africa. Popularly known as the primate capital of East Africa, a hike through this forest to encounter the chimpanzees offers a very unique and eco-friendly experience. The chimpanzees here live in groups ranging from 10 and more and are most times moving over tree branches from one place to another.

The chimpanzee habituation experience on the other hand gives tourists a great chance to spend the whole day with the chimpanzees observing how they carry on with their ways of life in the jungle. A whole day in the jungle and having a meal relaxing in the bushes as you listen to sounds of nature is very exciting and among the finest wildlife safari experiences in Uganda.

– See more at: https://www.ugandatouristsites.com/safaris/top-5-uganda-safari-experiences.html#sthash.RVjbvKYH.dpuf

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