Location: The district borders Sudan in the North and the Districts of
Kotido in the East, Pader in the South, and Gulu in the East.
Population : About 287,000 people.
Main Town: Kitgum Town. The town has a population of about 43,000
Area : 16,563.7 Km2
Land and Vegetation: The landscape of the district is characterized by hilly and
rugged terrain in much of the eastern and northern parts of the district. The western parts of the district are mainly flat and low-lying. The vegetation mainly consists of thickets, thick savannah grassland, and forested valleys and hills. The district has several rivers originating from the Mountains Lolibai in Sudan. The rivers include Ogili, Nangeya, and tributaries of River Achwa. Wetlands and open water constitute 0.34 percent, while forests cover 4.7 percent of the district area.
The key tourist attractions of the district are given below.
1. Lelekan Bird Sanctuary
Lelekan bird sanctuary is located in the eastern part of the district in Chua county, bordering Kotido district. The bird sanctuary is situated near Kidepo Valley National Park which offers an opportunity for game viewing in the park by tourists to Kitgum.
2. Lotutur
This is located about 45 kilometers north of Kitgum town, on the escarpment of the Lotutur hills. The Lotutur attraction comprises a waterfall on a tributary of River Aringa, hill climbing, and beautiful scenery of the Aringa and Nyimur river valleys.
3. Agor
Agor is located about 50 kilometers north of Kitgum town and east of the Lotutur attraction. Agor lies on the slopes of the Agor hills overlooking the Aringa river valley. Key potential activities for exploitation when developed include hill-climbing, scenery viewing, and bird watching.
4. Hill climbing
The hills found in the Pader district include Kalongo, Amyel, Paimol, and Lapono. The hills are fairly flat-topped and provide opportunities for camping and the development of other tourism accommodation infrastructure. Apart from Kalongo, which already has limited private accommodation for the church missionary community, the other hills are undeveloped. Kalongo hill is also popular for bird viewing.
3. Paimol caves
The caves are found in the Paimol hills in the Pader district. Like the Guruguru caves in Gulu, the caves are said to have been used t as safe haven during the Lamogi rebellion against the British protectorate. The Paimol caves are an opportunity to diversify tourism products in northern Uganda when developed.
4. Cultural Performances and Antiquities
The Abora dance and antiquities have not yet been exploited for tourism purposes. Joint plans between Gulu, Kitgum, and Pader district local authorities would enhance the tapping of benefits from cultural performances and antiquities.
5. Wil Polo memorial site
This is a memorial site of the first catechists in northern Uganda called Jildo Erwa and Daudi Okello. The two were executed on orders of the Lamogi chiefs for their Christian belief.
6. Crafts and souvenirs
Like for Gulu and Kitgum, the potential exists for developing the crafts and souvenir industry in the Pader district. There are unique wood species in the area whose sustainable exploitation coupled with training in making modern crafts and souvenirs could promote tourism aspects.
7. Hotel and Catering
The district had a total of 17 accommodation establishments with a capacity of 247 beds. The sector employed 136 people. Bomah Hotel was the most outstanding accommodation establishment in the district, at the time of the Survey.